terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2024


 Chapter I    





As the mist cleared, he found himself walking in the middle of a thick and mysterious forest. A strange place. He had never been in such a place before. He realized that he was walking barefoot, feeling on his delicate white feet the dampness of the incipient dew.

He was carried by a mysterious force that led him. He didn't know where. He wondered what he was doing there and where he was going. But he kept walking.

The night was not so dark, it was dim as if illuminated by the full moon. A gust of cool, pleasant wind made him shiver.

The path was somewhat winding. The dark green trees were not so tall.

At last, the path led him towards a large rock and so he came to a high, colossal crag and there he saw the majestic sea.

He slipped, somewhat numbly, down a sort of stone ramp and started down a rocky stairway. It all looked easy and pleasant. All around the path he saw some wild primroses and many ferns.

The moon was illuminating the sea which was intensely blue and the waves formed a crown of foam.

Before reaching the beach, there was a sort of green grass platform. There he sat and gazed at the sea and the starry night.

He lay down on the grass and listened to the murmur of the waves and stared at the Milky Way and the northern constellations. They seemed to float in the peace of a still sea. One in particular caught his eye. It seemed to be in the shape of a long hair. The stars tinkled in that graceful, feminine form of hair.

He looked back at the sea and suddenly saw the dawn of a new day on the horizon. Suddenly she felt a warm breeze and a strong, very strong light that prevented her from opening her eyes. At that moment, all the calm and placidity he felt gave way to a sense of danger. Then he had the feeling that he was not alone and that someone was approaching.

He woke up abruptly and with a start.

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