terça-feira, 7 de maio de 2024



How difficult it is to live! How challenging and how much courage it takes to live. Life sometimes cries out our name and we have the choice to answer its call or ignore it.

Living is a Herculean task and during the long period of time in which we live, we exist. We experience adventures, new beginnings, new positions, new realities.

We may feel that life is fast, or perhaps a little slow. Sometimes it seems ethereal or ephemeral, and sometimes it is full of vitality and strength.

It is also difficult to live in between dead times. Every individual has his or her dark side, his or her dry moment, his or her dead time. My dead time is when I don't write, when inspiration doesn't come. I don't feel that my life is in vain; no, it is just temporarily deserted and barren. It is an empty time, a dead time. That is when I am also dead.

That is why living between dead times requires a lot of courage and a lot of coolness. It requires drawing from the depths of our essence all the inner strength, all the faith in the very life we are living.

Living is also an act of gratitude for ‘being’. It is to have the mysterious power to express all that we feel, and to gather all our experiences, our thoughts, our beliefs and act accordingly. To live is to have the courage and audacity to say ‘YES’ to every affront, to every obstacle, to every loss, to every fleeting moment of happiness. To live is to feel the fullness of being and being part of a whole; a vital particle of the universe itself, an infinite and fundamental part of Creation.

To live life for me is to leave a beam of stars with the words of my thoughts wherever I go, in whatever orbit I find myself.


“Think about what is true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected” (Philippians 4:8 in the Bible).

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